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Pest Management

Bayer Crop Science

Quiz: Understanding nematodes for stronger, healthier, higher-yielding crops

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Understanding PCN and FLN will lead to better control of both, test you knowledge of these pests in Bayer’s nematode quiz

Quiz: Understanding nematodes for stronger, healthier, higher-yielding crops

Nematodes are one of the most abundant animals on earth, but for every predatory species there are six to seven beneficial types. Managing populations, therefore, means striking a balance between protecting crops and maintaining a functional soil rich in the organisms needed to support a productive agriculture.

Our PCN quiz, seeks to test your knowledge of potato cyst nematodes and how to manage these within an integrated programme. Our latest quiz has been expanded to include free-living nematodes (FLN) and how managing these migratory species differs from PCN, so if you think you know about nematodes, take our quiz.

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