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Purple Blotch - Leeks/Onions

Alternaria porri




Onions and leeks


Spores infect the leaves to produce elliptical lesions which develop a purplish centre and a yellow halo around the outside. These lesions can be several centimetres in length. Under severe disease pressure whole leaves can dieback pre-maturely.

Sporulation leads to the formation of concentric rings.


The lesions can encircle a leaf or stem leading to premature leaf/stem death. Spores can be washed down to the neck area of the bulb giving rise to a watery rot of the outer bulb scales. Spores can also be dispersed by wind.

Overwinters on infected plant debris.

Favourable Factors

Warm, humid weather.


A disease of leeks, onions and chives.

Losses arise during bulb storage.

Can result in reduced yields with smaller bulbs.


  • Clean seed, sets or bulbs

  • Crop rotation

  • Spray fungicides at the first sign of infection

  • Remove infected plant debris