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White Leaf Spot Brassicas OSR

Mycosphaerella capsellae (Pseudocercosporella capsellae)




Oilseed Rape, brassicas and cruciferous weeds such as such as shepherd`s purse and charlock.


Small, white spots (up to 20 mm in diameter) which darken to grey/black spots on leaves as the season progresses.


The disease develops in the early spring by means of ascospores released from infected rape stubble and other susceptible brassicas. Secondary spread within crops is by conidia which are dispersed by rain-splash. Infected seed can also be a source of infection.

Favourable Factors

Cool, wet conditions with associated leaf wetness in the spring.


Localised infections have occurred on winter crops in Southern England, but the disease is generally of little economic importance in the UK.


  • Control is not usually necessary in the UK

  • Destroy or dispose of stubble as soon as possible after harvesting

  • Foliar fungicides can give useful levels of control.